Michael McElhenie
3 Things you can't live without? Water or Snow? Coffee or Tea? Fun fact? Victoria Perez 3 Things you can't live without? Family & friends, hot sauce and great movies Water or Snow? Can I ski on the beach?.... Coffee or Tea? A flat white please Fun fact? I'd like to be in a broadway play or a Quitin Tarantino movie. |
A little about ourselves and the conversations we're having...#TRANSFORMATIONALCONVERSATIONS is a biweekly Podcast.
We discuss anything and everything that's TRANSFORMATIONAL in the world of Organizational Change, Leadership, Personal and Professional Development and everything in between. Hosted By... Charles Crutchfield 3 Things you can't live without? Great conversations, adventure travel, family & friends. Water or Snow? Water Coffee or Tea? Coffee. In a bucket. Black. Fun fact? I actually am a Monk. No, that sort of Monk. Clint Fuhs 3 Things you can't live without? Water or Snow? Coffee or Tea? Fun fact? |