If you were to google the top ten Divas of all time, a list of musically inclined Divas will appear. Cher, Mariah, Madonna, Barbra, Aretha and Diana are to name a few… All these women set the tone for their generation. They took their talent to another level, and without uncertainty they influenced millions, inspired others and with that, the bar was set for future generations of artists. ![]() Like Michael Scott, he too wanted to influence, inspire and set the bar for his office colleagues. In fact, I think it’s accurate to give Michael Scott the title, Office Diva. Throughout the entire series of The Office, Michael Scott, although very corky and mostly inappropriate, there was truth, passion, influence and inspiration. All he ever wanted was for his people to be great. He enthusiastically tried to influence his office to become better versions of themselves, and he never gave up. Divas are not created, they are not born that way, they were influenced by other and strategically developed, and in many cases continually developing. When Wayne Gretzky was famously quoted, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”, I think of these women and of course Michael Scott. They DID NOT hold back, they TOOK THEIR SHOT, and changed the way we think of influence and inspiration. Not only were all these Divas able to influence the musical world with their passion, they influenced people to speak and be their truth. So, no, I’m not a “music” Diva, but I’m a Change Diva. My goal is to influence and inspire the people I meet both professionally and personally. I always ask my clients to dig deep and find their inner Diva. YOU have a “change” Diva inside of you, in fact, everyone does, but what does it take to release it? What challenges have you been facing that keep your soul’s purpose from being released? We all have the ability to influence, to inspire and to set the bar. According to the US Department of Labor we spend close to 9 hours on the weekdays working, and in those 9 hours how much of your time is spent influencing and inspiring your colleagues, department or organization? We spend more time at work than at home.
Let’s talk about Change for a bit… We are constantly changing, whether we recognize it or not. It’s happening to us and around us. Infants to children, adults to senior citizens and everything else in between. That's a lot of change happening through aging alone, and we can't forget about our surroundings - those are constantly changing too. Our educational development, relationships, marriage, children; everything we experience are constant growth episodes. With change come struggles and decisions... and of course the inner Diva! My goal is to make change seem natural. Normalcy doesn’t seem too drastic when we put it in those terms, right? I want you to feel like change is normal and easy. I want you to truly believe change will be easy to accomplish at work and in your personal life. Think of yourself of the Aretha Franklin of change in the office. R-E-S-P-E-C-T! So, when you’re calling on your inner Change Diva, always remember Aretha, respect those around you, and always respect yourself. -VP
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May 2017
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